Garfield Gets Real is a computer-generated animated movie starring Garfield the Cat, produced by Paws, Inc. in cooperation with Wonderworld Studios and distributed by Twentieth Century Fox. It is written by Garfield’s creator Jim Davis, who started working on the script in the fall of 2005. This will be the first fully animated Garfield film since the last Garfield and Friends TV episode aired in 1994, and the first to be written by Davis since the 1991 television special Garfield Gets a Life. The DVD release date is currently set to November 20, 2007. A short preview was on the Garfield and Friends: Behind the Scenes and Garfield and Friends: An Ode to Odie and Garfield and Friends: Dreams & Schemes DVD.
Tired of being a comic strip star, Garfield escapes into the “real world”. While living as a low-key house cat, he learns his comic will be canceled if he doesn’t get back in before the newspaper goes into print, but no character who has escaped into the real world has ever returned, and just to complicate things, evil forces are blocking his path back into the “cartoon world”.
Tired of being a comic strip star, Garfield escapes into the “real world”. While living as a low-key house cat, he learns his comic will be canceled if he doesn’t get back in before the newspaper goes into print, but no character who has escaped into the real world has ever returned, and just to complicate things, evil forces are blocking his path back into the “cartoon world”.
Animation, 77 min, 1 CD, 700 MB, XviD
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