Blade: The Series was an American television program based on the Marvel Comics character and popular film series. It premiered on Spike on June 28, 2006. Kirk “Sticky Fingaz” Jones starred in the title role, along with Jill Wagner as Krista Starr, Neil Jackson as Marcus Van Sciver, Jessica Gower as Chase and Nelson Lee as Shen.
In the pilot, Krista Starr returns from military service in Iraq to learn that her twin brother, Zack, has died under mysterious circumstances. Her investigation reveals that Zack was a “familiar” - a kind of indentured servant who agrees to do a vampire’s bidding in the hopes that his “master” will eventually reward him with eternal life. Krista’s search for her brother’s killer soon brings her face to face with Blade, as well as with the killer himself, Marcus Van Sciver, a powerful vampire and high ranking member of the House of Chthon.
Blade.House.Of.Chton.2006.DVDRip.XviD-CH.W.D.FAction / Fantasy / Horror / Sci-Fi, 88 min, 1 CD, 705 MB, XviD
In the pilot, Krista Starr returns from military service in Iraq to learn that her twin brother, Zack, has died under mysterious circumstances. Her investigation reveals that Zack was a “familiar” - a kind of indentured servant who agrees to do a vampire’s bidding in the hopes that his “master” will eventually reward him with eternal life. Krista’s search for her brother’s killer soon brings her face to face with Blade, as well as with the killer himself, Marcus Van Sciver, a powerful vampire and high ranking member of the House of Chthon.
Blade.House.Of.Chton.2006.DVDRip.XviD-CH.W.D.FAction / Fantasy / Horror / Sci-Fi, 88 min, 1 CD, 705 MB, XviD
Quality sample: soon
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