Dan in Real Life is a 2007 American dramedy film directed by Peter Hedges and released on October 26, 2007. It was filmed in Rhode Island in the cities East Greenwich, Jamestown, Westerly, and Providence in November and December 2006.
Dan (Steve Carrell), a widowed father of three girls aged 9, 14, and 17, is a newspaper columnist living in New Jersey. As the family decides to leave home for the weekend and spend it with the extended family at a reunion, things begin to spice up. Dan, still depressed from his wife’s death four years prior, is sent out away from the home to give his family some space. While in town, he meets a beautiful stranger, Marie (Juliette Binoche), and begins to fall in love with her. He manages to get her number, despite her leaving rather hurriedly after her boyfriend calls. Dan returns home, where it is revealed that his current love interest is none other than his brother Mitch’s (Dane Cook) girlfriend. The rest of the movie is focused on Dan and Marie and the struggles of their love.
Dan (Steve Carrell), a widowed father of three girls aged 9, 14, and 17, is a newspaper columnist living in New Jersey. As the family decides to leave home for the weekend and spend it with the extended family at a reunion, things begin to spice up. Dan, still depressed from his wife’s death four years prior, is sent out away from the home to give his family some space. While in town, he meets a beautiful stranger, Marie (Juliette Binoche), and begins to fall in love with her. He manages to get her number, despite her leaving rather hurriedly after her boyfriend calls. Dan returns home, where it is revealed that his current love interest is none other than his brother Mitch’s (Dane Cook) girlfriend. The rest of the movie is focused on Dan and Marie and the struggles of their love.
Comedy / Drama / Romance, 102 min, 1 CD, 696 MB, XViD
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